Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Who is Out There?

A friend begins all of his blog entries with song lyrics. I can't steal his trademark, but if I could I would have titled this "hello, is there anybody out there."

Shortly after beginning this I discovered that there is a downfall to blogging as opposed to emailing friends. You aren't sure if anyone is ever reading the stuff. Not that I care really, except that when I talk to my friends and they say "how was your trip" or "do you have any pictures" I have to answer with "well they are on the blog."

Then there are my family members who apparantely thought that I only posted one blog. My sister said to me the other day, "oh there's more than one post." Um, yes, that is sort of the point.

So, now I have discovered google analytics it can track how many hits the page is getting and where from. I like this, it gives me a flavor of whether anyone is paying attention. But now I'm left with this question... WHO LIVES IN TONY WISCONSIN? Show yourself, leave me a comment or if you want to email me direct, that is fine too. I have friends in Eau Claire, but I didn't think Tony. Maybe I am wrong.

Regarding comments, if anyone has tried to comment and been frustrated that first you had to sign in to Google, I have removed that as a requirement. You can now comment directly without any sign in.

Upcoming blog teaser. We attended a pro baseball game in Granada, story and pics to follow in the coming days.

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