Sunday, January 13, 2008


Hi, I don't generally make resolutions but I am going to try and post more often. I let myself get too caught up in some personal professional stuff more than I should have. Something I really had no control over and ultimately didn't turn out the way that I wanted it to. I think?

At any rate, maybe I'll post about it here someday. But more likely not. I'd probably just come across as a whiner. At any rate my buddy says that 2008 better be ready for prime time Eck... if only he knew the half of it.

Okay, enough of that. Here is the first installment of our trip to Mexico over Christmas.

This is called a posada. It's like a procession through the town sort of reenacting the walk Joseph and Mary took looking for an inn for the birth of Jesus. There is a processional leader and lots of kids singing songs at various stops.

The houses in this town are all very near the narrow streets. Most of them have a gate that separates the house from the sidewalk. Many of the houses had elaborately decorated manger scenes lit inside of their gate.

This is one of the stops along the posada.

A typical house in this town. This is probably an upper middle class Mexican family.
The posada ends at the local church. This was the nativity scene at church. The baby Jesus is not added until Christmas Eve at midnight.
This is the scene in downtown Guadalajara. Guad is the 2nd most populous city in Mexico.
Live poinsettas in Guad.
The main square in Guadalajara. If you've traveled to Latin America you already know every city and town has a main square. The one in Guadalajara is huge.

It was always funny seeing all these Santas outside.
Nativity in the square at Guad.

I'm not sure if she got what she wanted or not.

My wife, me and her brother in Guadalajara.

More to come.